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  • Writer's pictureThe Sewing Nut

New Free Project

Hope this finds you all well

After the thing that shall be unmentioned got in the way of my development plans, I'm pleased to report that I am now regularly running workshops at my local craft studio, am about to start teaching with my local Adult Education Authority, and have run some classes at the Knitting & Stitching Show at Ally Pally in October with bookings to do some more at the Spring Stitch Festival at the Islington Design Centre.

That's quite a few goals achieved this year, and having floundered around for a while, am now feeling that I'm on track. My Christmas holidays will be taken up sorting out Spring projects, but that's got to be better than sitting in front of the TV for the entirety right?! I can ill afford to put on any more weight - I suspect many of us are the same this year!

At the Knitting & Stitching Show in October, one of my classes was an introduction to Half Square Triangles and the class were very keen to have some instructions for the example we'd worked through. Well, finally - here they are and I thought I'd give them a mention in case they are of interest to others too. I've physically made a sample, so I can confidently say that instructions are right!

You can see pictures of it in progress on my Facebook page The Sewing Nut Blog | Facebook and when it's finished and beautiful I'll post it on Instagram (@the_sewing_nut) • Instagram photos and videos

I'm still very much finding my way with the website so if you have received this and didn't want to, please let me know and I'll trawl through the settings to try and stop you getting any more.

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